Probe 穿越 T 路口
这应该算是一个BUG吧,主要针对9:00 T堵口的时候,Probe进入T基地侦察的方法 大家注意兵营左上突出的一角,用probe正对它然后靠近,让Probe的一支翅膀被那一角档住然后造BP,同时往Probe正下方不停的点,此时probe一般就会穿越兵营 有兴趣者一起研究哈
from StarcraftGamers
You can force a probe through a terran wall if you build a pylon in a certain place. Note: On Lost Temple, this will only work at the nine o'clock position, because that's the only spot where you will have enough ground outside the wall to build your pylon.